Pini Kay Wood Briquettes
Pini Kay Wood Briquettes
960kg Full Pallet (96 packs)
720kg 3/4 Pallet (72 packs)
480kg Half Pallet (48 packs)
240kg Quarter Pallet (24 packs)
20kg Sample Box (2 packs)
Product Highlights:
- Lowest moisture (10% or less) and hottest burn of all types of wood briquettes;
- Highest heat value 17.794 MJ/kg;
- High density, compact wood fuel, perfect for all stove sizes;
- Can also be used in woodburning cookers, pizza ovens and barbecues;
- Do not expand when burning - ideal for smaller stoves;
- Ready to Burn Certificate: WS222/00004;
- Each pack weighs approx. 10kg +/- 5%
- Typically ca. 10% more weight than Pini-Kay type heat logs sold at petrol stations;
- Each 10kg pack of 12 logs is wrapped in plastic film with a binder tape;
- Free economy delivery to most addresses in the UK. Click here for delivery details.
In our tests the briquettes produced good flame during the first 30 minutes of burning and then glowed for over 2.5 hours giving a steady heat until reduction to a small amount of grey ash residue. Total heat release time was reported at over 3 hours.
Delivery on 7.5 tonne vehicles is now limited to pallets weighing 720 kg or less, which includes 3/4 pallets, half pallets, quarter pallets. Please telephone or email us if you would like this delivery option.
Grass, gravel, limited access? Add a sack truck to your order for £44.99 and move up to 325kg of heat logs/pellets/firewood (as appropriate for the product) to your store.
Product details:
- Chocolate colour;
- Moisture: 10% or less;
- Heat value: 17.7994 MJ/kg;
- Do not expand, emit sparks, or spit when burning;
- Each briquette measures approximately 63mm x 63mm x 200mm (approx.2.5 x 2.5 x 8 in.) with a hole down the middle 24mm (1 in.) in diameter which creates additional draught and ensures the briquettes burn both inside and outside;
- Each 10kg pack of 12 logs is wrapped in plastic film with a binder tape;
- Full pallets of 960kg delivered on a Euro pallet sized 120 x 80 x 145cm (approx.); smaller quantities may be delivered on Euro or UK pallets (100 x 120cm);
Pallet sizes:
- Full pallet: 96 x 10kg packs;
- 3/4 pallet: 72 x 10kg packs;
- Half pallet: 48 x 10kg packs;
- Quarter pallet: 24 x 10kg packs;
- Made from virgin sawdust (sawmill byproducts) with no additives.
Use recommendations:
Burning time in different appliances will depend on air inflow setting, number of briquettes loaded, outside temperature, and size of appliance and can range anywhere from 1 hour to over 3 hours. A minimum of three to four briquettes should be loaded at any given time. Due to particularly low moisture it's important to adjust air inflow to ensure longest possible burning and glowing time.
Suitable for modern wood stoves with adjustable air inflow, woodburning cookers, barbecues, chimeneas. Results in open fireplaces will depend on air inflow. Please contact us to discuss your requirements or purchase a sample if desired.