Bioglow Wood Fuels UK
Hardwood RUF Heat Logs
Hardwood RUF Heat Logs
960kg Full Pallet (96 packs)
720kg 3/4 Pallet (72 packs)
480kg Half Pallet (48 packs)
240kg Quarter Pallet (24 packs)
20kg Sample Box (2 packs)
Product Highlights:
- Alder and other hardwood timber for a longer burn;
- Low moisture: 6%;
- Low ash: 0.5%;
- High calorific value: 17.0 MJ/kg;
Uniform, smooth surface, light colour wood;
Recommended for smaller stoves;
- Free economy delivery to most addresses in the UK. Click here for delivery details.
Due to very low moisture levels (approx. 6% compared to 20% in kiln-dried logs and 30% in seasoned logs), the RUF Heat Logs light easily and give off a lot of heat. Two firelighters are sufficient to light these - no kindling required. In our tests, they produced a nice burn of approx. 1 hour followed by up to two hours of hot "glow". The duration of burning will depend on the quantity loaded and burn intensity regulated by air inflow settings.
Delivery on 12 t vehicles
Delivery on 12 t vehicles is available in most areas (excluding some areas of Hebrides) and can be requested by ticking the box on this page.
Grass, gravel, limited access? Add a sack truck to your order for £44.99 and move up to 325kg of heat logs/pellets/firewood (as appropriate for the product) to your store.
Usage recommendations:
Two to three briquettes should be used to start the fire. Because they burn much hotter than logs and expand slightly in the fire, it is important not to overload your fire box.
To maximise performance, get the fire really hot before turning down the air flow and refuelling as required.
Recommended for smaller wood and multi-fuel stoves and log boilers. For larger appliances, we recommend Hotlogs Wood Briquettes due to the larger size of the individual briquette.
Product details:
- Pale yellow colour;
- Calorific value: 17.0MJ/kg;
- Each briquette measures approximately 65mm x 90mm x 150mm (approx. 2.5 x 3.5 x 6 in.);
- Each pack contains 12 heat logs (you may receive a pack with 10 logs of the same weight - 10kg) fitted into traditional PE bag;
- Full pallets of 960kg delivered on a Euro pallet sized 120 x 80 x 140cm (3.93" x 2.65 x 4.60" approx.); smaller quantities may be delivered on Euro or standard pallets (100 x 120cm);
Pallet sizes:
- full pallet: 96 x 10kg packs = 960kg net; dimensions 120x80x140cm
- 3/4 pallet: 72 x 10kg packs = 720kg net; dimensions 120x80 or 100x120 height up to 120cm
- half pallet: 48 x 10kg packs = 480kg net; dimensions either 120x80 or 100x120 height up to 85cm
quarter pallet: 24 x 10kg packs = 240kg net; dimensions either 120x80 or 100x120 height up to 65cm
- sample size 20kg: 2 x 10kg packs;
- Custom sized and mixed pallets available - please contact us for details.